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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Search-based multi-vulnerability testing of XML injections in web applications., , , und . Empirical Software Engineering, 24 (6): 3696-3729 (2019)Recent Trends in Software Testing Education: A Systematic Literature Review., und . NIK, Bibsys Open Journal Systems, Norway, (2018)White-box Fuzzing RPC-based APIs with EvoMaster: An Industrial Case Study., , , , und . CoRR, (2022)Tool report: EvoMaster - black and white box search-based fuzzing for REST, GraphQL and RPC APIs., , , , , , , und . Autom. Softw. Eng., 32 (1): 4 (Juni 2025)Model-based testing in practice: An experience report from the web applications domain., , , , und . J. Syst. Softw., (2021)Enhancing Resource-Based Test Case Generation for RESTful APIs with SQL Handling., und . SSBSE, Volume 12914 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 103-117. Springer, (2021)Testability Transformations For Existing APIs., und . ICST, Seite 153-163. IEEE, (2020)Black-Box and White-Box Test Case Generation for RESTful APIs: Enemies or Allies? - Supplementary package., , , und . (Februar 2021)Technology adoption performance evaluation applied to testing industrial REST APIs., , und . Autom. Softw. Eng., 32 (1): 5 (Juni 2025)JavaScript SBST Heuristics to Enable Effective Fuzzing of NodeJS Web APIs., , und . ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 32 (6): 139:1-139:29 (November 2023)