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Business Intelligence Analytics Guest editors' introduction., , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34 (5): 22-24 (2014)MyLifeBits: fulfilling the Memex vision., , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 235-238. ACM, (2002)Comparing and managing multiple versions of slide presentations., , and . UIST, page 47-56. ACM, (2006)Summarizing personal web browsing sessions., , , , and . UIST, page 115-124. ACM, (2006)Visualization Surfaces., and . Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization, Springer, (2012)TeleGam: Combining Visualization and Verbalization for Interpretable Machine Learning., , and . IEEE VIS (Short Papers), page 151-155. IEEE, (2019)FiberClay: Sculpting Three Dimensional Trajectories to Reveal Structural Insights., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 25 (1): 704-714 (2019)Dance your work away: exploring step user interfaces., , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 387-392. ACM, (2006)The social life of small graphical chat spaces., , and . CHI, page 462-469. ACM, (2000)Pixaura: supporting tentative decision making when selecting and sharing digital photos., , , , , , and . BCS HCI (2), page 87-91. BCS, (2008)