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Other publications of authors with the same name

Trust, but Verify: Optimistic Visualizations of Approximate Queries for Exploring Big Data., , , and . CHI, page 2904-2915. ACM, (2017)Friends, foes, and fringe: norms and structure in political discussion networks., , and . DG.O, volume 151 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 412-417. Digital Government Research Center, (2006)What Users Don't Expect about Exploratory Data Analysis on Approximate Query Processing Systems., and . HILDA@SIGMOD, page 9:1-9:4. ACM, (2017)SWAMI: a framework for collaborative filtering algorithm development and evaluation., , , , , and . SIGIR, page 366-368. ACM, (2000)Business Intelligence Analytics Guest editors' introduction., , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34 (5): 22-24 (2014)An exploratory study of co-located collaborative visual analytics around a tabletop display., , , , and . IEEE VAST, page 179-186. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Fast Dynamic Voronoi Treemaps., , and . ISVD, page 85-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Progressive Data Analysis and Visualization (Dagstuhl Seminar 18411)., , , and . Dagstuhl Reports, 8 (10): 1-40 (2018)Revisiting Whittaker & Sidner's "email overload" ten years later., , , and . CSCW, page 309-312. ACM, (2006)A Model of Multi-Scale Perceptual Organization in Information Graphics., and . INFOVIS, page 23-30. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)