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The Multi-Scale 3D-1D Compatibility Scoring for Inverse Protein Folding Protein., , , и . ISMB, стр. 314-321. AAAI, (1994)Biological- and Chemical- Parallel Applications on a PC Cluster., , , и . ISHPC, том 1615 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 220-233. Springer, (1999)Protein Structure Prediction Based on Multi-Level Description., , , , , и . HICSS (5), стр. 355-364. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A Three-Dimensional Animation System for Protein Folding Simulation., , , и . HICSS (5), стр. 173-182. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A Multi-Level Description Scheme of Protein Conformation., , , и . ISMB, стр. 301-309. AAAI, (1993)Parallel PDB Data Retriever "PDB Diving Booster"., , , и . ISHPC, том 1336 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 389-396. Springer, (1997)Parallelization of Space Plasma Particle Simulation., , , , , , , и . ISHPC, том 1336 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 281-292. Springer, (1997)Protein Sequence Analysis by Parallel Inference Machine., , , , , и . FGCS, стр. 294-299. IOS Press, (1992)PDB-REPRDB: A Database of Representative Protein Chains in PDB (Protein Data Bank)., , , и . ISMB, стр. 214-217. AAAI, (1997)ESCAPE: Parallel Tree Search System for Conformational Analysis of Peptides., , , и . PDPTA, стр. 1537-1543. CSREA Press, (1999)