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To Trust or Not to Trust Lurkers?: Evaluation of Lurking and Trustworthiness in Ranking Problems., и . NetSci-X, том 9564 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 43-56. Springer, (2016)Uncertain Centroid based Partitional Clustering of Uncertain Data., и . Proc. VLDB Endow., 5 (7): 610-621 (2012)Multilayer network simplification: approaches, models and methods., , , , и . CoRR, (2020)A Tensor-based Clustering Approach for Multiple Document Classifications., , , и . ICPRAM, стр. 200-205. SciTePress, (2013)Schema-based Web wrapping, , и . Knowledge and Information Systems, 26 (1): 127--173 (декабря 2009)MMVar: Clustering Uncertain Objects via Minimization of the Variance of Cluster Mixture Models., и . SEBD, стр. 453-460. Curran Associates, (2013)MultiLingMine 2016: Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality., , , , и . ECIR, том 9626 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 869-873. Springer, (2016)Network Analysis of the Information Consumption-Production Dichotomy in Mastodon User Behaviors., , и . ICWSM, стр. 1378-1382. AAAI Press, (2022)LawNet-Viz: A Web-based System to Visually Explore Networks of Law Article References., , и . SIGIR, стр. 3300-3305. ACM, (2022)Dynamic consensus community detection and combinatorial multi-armed bandit., и . ASONAM, стр. 184-187. ACM, (2019)