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Other publications of authors with the same name

A fuzzy logic technique for virtual sensor networks., , , and . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2022)A System Supporting Website Navigation., , , and . SEBD, page 142-149. (2004)On Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy via Multiple Instance Learning., , , and . IDEAS, page 170-176. ACM, (2023)Merging, Repairing and Querying Inconsistent Databases with Functional and Inclusion Dependencies., , and . ICEIS (1), page 38-45. (2006)Aggregates and priorities in P2P data management systems., and . IDEAS, page 1-7. ACM, (2011)A logical framework for detecting anomalies in drug resistance algorithms., , , and . IDEAS, page 23-30. ACM, (2009)Complexity and Algorithms for the Matching of Bag and Set Terms., and . JELIA, volume 2424 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 137-148. Springer, (2002)Mining User Preferences, Page Content and Usage to Personalize Website Navigation, , , and . World Wide Web, 8 (3): 317--345 (Sep 1, 2005)Computing Repairs for Inconsistent Databases., and . CODAS, page 33-42. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Multiple Instance Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection., , , and . SEBD, volume 3478 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 22-31., (2023)