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A comparative analysis of open source business intelligence platforms., , и . ISDOC, стр. 86-92. ACM, (2014)NoSQL databases: MongoDB vs cassandra., и . C3S2E, стр. 14-22. ACM, (2013)Evaluating Self-Service BI and Analytics Tools for SMEs., и . ICETE (3), стр. 89-97. ScitePress, (2020)An Ontology for Clinical Decision Support System to Predict Female's Fertile Period., , и . KEOD, стр. 288-293. SciTePress, (2017)NoSQL Databases: A Software Engineering Perspective., , , , и . WorldCIST (1), том 353 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 741-750. Springer, (2015)An Overview of Decision Support Benchmarks: TPC-DS, TPC-H and SSB., , и . WorldCIST (1), том 353 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 619-628. Springer, (2015)Java Web Services: A Performance Analysis., и . ICSOFT, стр. 570-576. SciTePress, (2019)Cloud Data Warehousing for SMEs., и . ICSOFT-EA, стр. 276-282. SciTePress, (2016)An Application of OSSpal for the Assessment of Open Source Project Management Tools., и . WEBIST, стр. 411-417. ScitePress, (2019)Evaluating GitLab, OpenProject, and Redmine using QSOS Methodology., и . WEBIST, стр. 380-387. ScitePress, (2019)