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Optimal Sensor Placement for Monitoring of Spatial Networks., и . IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng., 15 (1): 33-44 (2018)Sliding-Window Temporal Attention Based Deep Learning System for Robust Sensor Modality Fusion for UGV Navigation., , , и . IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 4 (4): 4216-4223 (2019)State Constrained Stochastic Optimal Control Using LSTMs., , , и . ACC, стр. 1294-1299. IEEE, (2021)Process-Aware Side Channel Shaping and Watermarking for Cyber-Physical Systems., , , и . ACC, стр. 386-391. IEEE, (2018)Global adaptive control of feedforward systems using dynamic high gain scaling., и . ACC, стр. 4354-4359. IEEE, (2004)Prescribed-Time Stabilization of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback-Like Systems., , и . ACC, стр. 3081-3086. IEEE, (2019)GODZILA: a low-resource algorithm for path planning in unknown environments., и . ACC, стр. 110-115vol.1. IEEE, (2005)Adaptive output-feedback for nonlinear systems with no a priori bounds on parameters., и . ACC, стр. 3713-3718. IEEE, (2005)A generalized scaling based control design for nonlinear nontriangular systems with input and state time delays., и . ACC, стр. 4361-4366. IEEE, (2011)Computationally tractable inventory control for large-scale reverse supply chains., , и . ACC, IEEE, (2006)