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Inspection system based on artificial vision for paint defects detection on cars bodies., , , и . ICRA, IEEE, (2011)Multi-rate Fusion with Vision and Inertial Sensors., , , и . ICRA, стр. 193-199. IEEE, (2004)Motion Planning for Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on Singularity Criteria., и . BVAI, том 4729 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 606-615. Springer, (2007)Benchmark tools for evaluating AGVs at industrial environments., , и . IROS, стр. 2657-2662. IEEE, (2010)Dual-rate high order hold equivalent controllers., и . ACC, стр. 175-179. IEEE, (2000)Kinematic modeling and singularity of wheeled mobile robots., и . Adv. Robotics, 21 (7): 793-816 (2007)Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Multi-Rate Fusion of Laser and Encoders Measurements., и . ICINCO (2), стр. 435-439. INSTICC Press, (2004)Collision Prediction and Avoidance Amidst Moving Objects for Trajectory Planning Applications., , и . ICRA, стр. 3801-3806. IEEE, (2001)On generating continuous-curvature paths for line following problem with curvature and sharpness constraints., , и . ICRA, стр. 6156-6161. IEEE, (2011)Collision Avoidance Systems for Manual-assisted Driving., , и . ISR/ROBOTIK, стр. 1-8. VDE Verlag, (2010)