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Predictability or adaptivity?: designing robot handoffs modeled from trained dogs and people., , , , и . HRI, стр. 179-180. ACM, (2011)Specifying behavior and semantic meaning in an unmodified layered drawing package., , и . UIST, стр. 61-70. ACM, (2002)Families and services: understanding opportunities for co-production of value in service design., , и . DPPI, стр. 66:1-66:8. ACM, (2011)Towards the Design and Development of Future Robotic Products and Systems.. RO-MAN, стр. 506. IEEE, (2007)Trust-Building Across Networks Through Festival Organizing., , и . C&T, стр. 300-305. ACM, (2019)Designing interfaces for multi-user, multi-robot systems., и . HRI, стр. 97-104. ACM, (2012)Towards persuasive sociometric technologies for inclusive educational settings., , , , , , , и . CHItaly, стр. 10:1-10:9. ACM, (2013)Critical design and critical theory: the challenge of designing for provocation., , , , и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 288-297. ACM, (2012)Fostering Engagement with Personal Informatics Systems., , , и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 286-300. ACM, (2016)The sense lounger: establishing a ubicomp beachhead in elders' homes., , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1467-1470. ACM, (2005)