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Editorial.. ACM Trans. Graph., 19 (3): 163 (2000)Data-driven finger motion synthesis for gesturing characters., , and . ACM Trans. Graph., 31 (6): 189:1-189:7 (2012)Adapting simulated behaviors for new characters., and . SIGGRAPH, page 153-162. ACM, (1997)Leveraging the talent of hand animators to create three-dimensional animation., , and . Symposium on Computer Animation, page 93-102. ACM, (2009)Capturing and animating skin deformation in human motion, and . ACM Trans. Graph., 25 (3): 881–889 (July 2006)Animating Non-Humanoid Characters with Human Motion Data., , and . Symposium on Computer Animation, page 169-178. Eurographics Association, (2010)Coordinating Feet in Bipedal Balance., , and . Humanoids, page 624-628. IEEE, (2006)Controlling humanoid robots with human motion data: Experimental validation., , and . Humanoids, page 504-510. IEEE, (2010)A point-based method for animating incompressible flow., , and . Symposium on Computer Animation, page 247-255. ACM, (2009)Educating for Both Art and Technology.. SIGCSE, page 1. ACM, (2015)