Autor der Publikation

New Insights into Studying Agency and Information Technology.

, , , und . Relevant Theory and Informed Practice, Volume 143 von IFIP, Seite 653-654. Springer, (2004)

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New Insights into Studying Agency and Information Technology., , , und . Relevant Theory and Informed Practice, Volume 143 von IFIP, Seite 653-654. Springer, (2004)Less Cyber, More Café: Design Implications for Easing the Digital Divide with Locally Social Cyber Cafes., , und . Information Systems Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization, Volume 254 von IFIP Conference Proceedings, Seite 323-337. Kluwer, (2003)Supporting the Flow of Information Through Constellations of Interaction., und . ECSCW, Seite 269-. Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1997)Business: changing how people work: the time-to-end-user value.. Interactions, 5 (3): 9-12 (1998)The Denver model for groupware design., , und . ACM SIGCHI Bull., 28 (1): 52-58 (1996)'This All Together, Hon?' Ubicomp in Non-office Work Environments., , , , und . UbiComp, Volume 3205 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 179-195. Springer, (2004)Practical Considerations of Context for Context Based Systems: An Example from an Ethnographic Case Study of a Man Diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease., und . UbiComp, Volume 2864 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 243-255. Springer, (2003)Introduction to Design Ethnography., und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 166-167. ACM, (1997)Designing technology for community appropriation., , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 2126-2127. ACM, (2005)Ubiquitous computing design principles: supporting human-human and human-computer transactions., , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 1497-1500. ACM, (2004)