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New Insights into Studying Agency and Information Technology.

, , , und . Relevant Theory and Informed Practice, Volume 143 von IFIP, Seite 653-654. Springer, (2004)

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Global Challenges for Identity Policies., und . Technology, Work and Globalization Palgrave Macmillan, (2010)Using problem structuring methods to assist in information systems strategy development : A case study., und . ECIS, Seite 464-474. Operational Research Society, (1993)Panel: Determining the Profile of the ECIS Community a Bibliometrics Approach., , , und . ECIS, Seite 2392-2393. (2006)Stakeholder Analysis as a Longitudinal Approach to Interorganisational Systems Analysis., und . ECIS, Seite 33-44. (1996)Panel: Becoming involved with conferences: Lessons from ECIS., , , , und . ECIS, Seite 1763-1764. (2005)Assessing UK e-government websites: classification and benchmarking., und . ECIS, Seite 1272-1281. (2004)Panel 3: Practicing What we Preach? Reflecting on environmentally Sustainable Research Practices of the is Community., , , , , , und . ECIS, (2020)Cloud Computing as Innovation: Studying Diffusion., , und . Global Sourcing Workshop, Volume 163 von Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Seite 117-131. Springer, (2013)Representing Human and Non-human Stakeholders: On Speaking with Authority., und . Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT, Volume 173 von IFIP Conference Proceedings, Seite 339-354. Kluwer, (2000)Information systems: social technology in social systems., und . ECIS, Seite 771-778. Nijenrode University Press, (1994)