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Task-specific source code dependency investigation., и . VISSOFT, стр. 100-107. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Automatically Recommending Triage Decisions for Pragmatic Reuse Tasks., , , и . ASE, стр. 397-408. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Nudging student learning strategies using formative feedback in automatically graded assessments., , и . SPLASH-E, стр. 1-11. ACM, (2020)Customized awareness: recommending relevant external change events., и . ICSE (1), стр. 465-474. ACM, (2010)Identifying opaque behavioural changes., и . ICSE, стр. 995-997. ACM, (2011)Language impact on productivity for industrial end users: A case study from Programmable Logic Controllers., , , , , , , и . J. Comput. Lang., (2022)Training industrial end-user programmers with interactive tutorials., , , , , , , , , и . Softw. Pract. Exp., 53 (3): 729-747 (марта 2023)Method-level Bug Prediction: Problems and Promises., , , и . ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 33 (4): 98:1-98:31 (мая 2024)Proactive detection of collaboration conflicts., , , и . SIGSOFT FSE, стр. 168-178. ACM, (2011)STOP THE (AUTOGRADER) INSANITY: Regression Penalties to Deter Autograder Overreliance., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 1062-1068. ACM, (2021)