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When does provision of instruction promote learning?, , , and . CogSci,, (2011)Generalized vector-network formulation for the dynamic simulation of multibody systems, , and . ASME, Transactions, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, (1986)Effect of magnetization inhomogeneity on magnetic microtraps for atoms, , , , , , and . Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), (2007)A SUMMARY OF LIGHTNING PARAMETERS FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS, and . (1980)Freely morphing tree structures in a conducting body, , , and . International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (17): 4744--4753 (2012)Trees and serpentines in a conducting body, , , and . International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 56 (1): 488--494 (2013)Calculating Energy Savings in High Performance Residential Buildings Programs, , , , , and . (2003)IMECE2002-32130 Dynamics of Thermal Energy Storage in Integrated Energy Systems With On-Site Power Generation, , , and . ASME-PUBLICATIONS-HTD, (2002)Effect of size on ground-coupled heat pump performance, , , and . International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (2013)Configuration of heat sources or sinks in a finite volume, , , and . Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (2): 023502--023502 (2011)