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Other publications of authors with the same name

Calculating Energy Savings in High Performance Residential Buildings Programs, , , , , and . (2003)Building America House Performance Analysis Procedures, , , , , and . National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (2001)Building America Performance Analysis Procedures, , , , , , , and . National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (2004)Thermal Performance of Unvented Attics in Hot-Dry Climates: Results from Building America; Preprint, , , , and . National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO.(US), (2003)Field Test of Room-to-Room Distribution of Outside Air with Two Residential Ventilation Systems, , , , , and . National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO., (2008)A Direct Control Method for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks, and . CUED/F-INFENG/TR.65. Engineering Department, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, (1991)Optimizing Control Overhead for Power-Aware Routing in Wireless Networks., , , , and . MILCOM, page 870-875. IEEE, (2013)An Evaluation of Warning Habits and Beliefs across the Adult Life Span., , and . Hum. Factors, 43 (3): 343-354 (2001)Capacity bounds and robustness in multipath networks., , , and . EAI Endorsed Trans. Ubiquitous Environ., 3 (10): e2 (2016)The Trilogy Architecture for the Future Internet., , and . Future Internet Assembly, page 79-90. IOS Press, (2009)