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Video Quality Enhancement Using Deep Learning-Based Prediction Models for Quantized DCT Coefficients in MPEG I-frames., , , , , и . ISM, стр. 29-32. IEEE, (2020)Subjective Evaluation of 360-degree Sensory Experiences., , , , и . MMSP, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)A baseline for NSFW video detection in e-learning environments., , , , и . WebMedia, стр. 357-360. ACM, (2019)Modeling Multimodal-Multiuser Interactions in Declarative Multimedia Languages., , , и . DocEng, стр. 11:1-11:10. ACM, (2019)Should I See or Should I Go: Automatic Detection of Sensitive Media in Messaging Apps., , , , , и . WebMedia, стр. 229-236. ACM, (2021)Quality Enhancement of Highly Degraded Music Using Deep Learning-Based Prediction Models for Lost Frequencies., , , и . WebMedia, стр. 205-211. ACM, (2021)Interactive 360-degree Videos in Ginga-NCL Using Head-Mounted-Displays as Second Screen Devices., , , , , , , и . WebMedia, стр. 289-296. ACM, (2020)Deep learning methods for video understanding., , , , , и . WebMedia, стр. 21-23. ACM, (2019)An ontology-based approach to integrate TV and IoT middlewares., , , , , и . Multim. Tools Appl., 80 (2): 1813-1837 (2021)An introduction to data stream processing: a complex event processing approach., , , , и . WebMedia, стр. 11-13. ACM, (2019)