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Responsible team players wanted: an analysis of soft skill requirements in job advertisements., , , , and . CoRR, (2018)Web Routineness and Limits of Predictability: Investigating Demographic and Behavioral Differences Using Web Tracking Data., , , , and . CoRR, (2020)Measuring the Topical Specificity of Online Communities., , , and . ESWC, volume 7882 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 472-486. Springer, (2013)Semantic stability in social tagging streams., , , and . WWW, page 735-746. ACM, (2014)The Interaction Ontology Model - Supporting the Virtual Director Orchestrating Real-Time Group Interaction., , , and . MMM (2), volume 6524 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 263-273. Springer, (2011)The Three Pillars of ‘ Corporate Web 2.0 ’: A Model for Definition, , , and . International Conference on New Media Technologies, (2007)On the Reliability and Validity of Detecting Approval of Political Actors in Tweets., , and . EMNLP (1), page 1413-1426. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Responsible team players wanted: an analysis of soft skill requirements in job advertisements., , , , and . EPJ Data Sci., 8 (1): 13:1-13:20 (2019)The wisdom in tweetonomies: acquiring latent conceptual structures from social awareness streams., and . SEMSEARCH@WWW, page 6:1-6:10. ACM, (2010)GENDER DISPARITIES IN SCIENCE? DROPOUT, PRODUCTIVITY, COLLABORATIONS AND SUCCESS OF MALE AND FEMALE COMPUTER SCIENTISTS, , , and . Advances in Complex Systems, 0 (0): 1750011 (2017)