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Schau genau! A Gaze-Controlled 3D Game for Entertainment and Education, , , , , и . Journal of Eye Movement Research, 10, стр. 220. (2017)Ontology-based approach for the use of Intentional Forgetting in product development, , , , , , и . DESIGN 2018 - 15th International Design Conference, (2018)Are Semantic Desktops Better?, , и . International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP, (сентября 2009)LENA - Browsing RDF Data More Complex Than Foaf, , и . International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Demo Session, (2008)Semantische Systeme fuer das Wissensmanagement, , , и . IM: Information Management und Consulting, 23 (2): pp. 19 -- 27 (мая 2008)Computing Similarity between Ontologies, и . Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, EKAW02, том 2473 из LNAI, Berlin, Springer Verlag, (2002)Structuring and Accessing Semantic Multimedia Data.. MMM, том 5371 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 2. Springer, (2009)KONECT -- The Koblenz Network Collection, , и . Proc. Int. Sch. and Conf. on Netw. Sci., (2012)Ontology learning for the semantic web, и . Intelligent Systems, 16 (2): 72--79 (2001)Ontology Enrichment by Discovering Multi-Relational Association Rules from Ontological Knowledge Bases, , , , и . Proc. of the ACM Int. Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016), ACM, (2016)