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Symbolic Melodic Similarity: State of the Art and Future Challenges., , and . Computer Music Journal, 40 (2): 70-83 (2016)Discovering Interesting Trends in Real Medical Data: A Study in Diabetic Retinopathy., , and . EPIA, volume 9273 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 134-140. Springer, (2015)A General Approach for Configuring PDDL Problem Models., and . ICAPS, page 431-436. AAAI Press, (2018)A Principled Analysis of the Interrelation between Vehicular Communication and Reasoning Capabilities of Autonomous Vehicles., and . ITSC, page 3761-3766. IEEE, (2018)Moddicom: a complete and easily accessible library for prognostic evaluations relying on image features., , , , , , , and . EMBC, page 771-774. IEEE, (2015)Automated Training Plan Generation for Athletes., , , and . SMC, page 3865-3870. IEEE, (2018)A General Approach to Exploit Model Predictive Control for Guiding Automated Planning Search in Hybrid Domains., , and . SGAI Conf., volume 11927 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 139-145. Springer, (2019)Reformulation Techniques for Automated Planning: A Systematic Review., , and . CoRR, (2023)On the exploitation of Automated Planning for efficient decision making in road traffic accident management., and . CDC, page 6607-6612. IEEE, (2016)Exploiting Classical Planning Grounding in Hybrid PDDL+ Planning Engines., and . ICTAI, page 85-92. IEEE, (2020)