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Constructions of Codes Correcting Burst Asymmetric Errors., и . AAECC, том 508 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 59-70. Springer, (1990)A 32-bit Superscalar Microprocessor with 64-Bit Processing and High Bandwidth DRAM Interface., , , , , , , и . ICCD, стр. 203-210. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Multiple unidirectional byte error-correcting codes., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 37 (3): 903-908 (1991)Generalized concatenated codes for channels where unidirectional byte errors are predominant., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 39 (3): 1014-1022 (1993)Some new binary codes correcting asymmetric/unidirectional errors., , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 36 (3): 645-647 (1990)Peak-Shift and Bit Error-Correction with Channel Side Information in Runlength-Limited Sequences., , и . AAECC, том 673 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 304-315. Springer, (1993)A Distributed Problem Solving Environment (PSE) for Scientific Computing., , , , , , и . e-Science, стр. 470-477. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)A 32-bit Microprocessor Based on the TRON Architecture: Design of the GMICRO/100., , , , и . COMPCON, стр. 30-35. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)Scientific Simulation Execution Support on a Closed Distributed Computer Environment., , , , , , , , , и . e-Science, стр. 109. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Random and Byte Error Correcting Codes for Asymmetric or Undirectional Error Control., и . AAECC, том 539 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 403-413. Springer, (1991)