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Systematic investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of unstable B and C isotopes, , , , , , , , , and 113 other author(s). Phys. Rev. C, (May 2016)(gamma,n) reactions in a quasi-thermal photon bath, , , , , , , and . Nuclear Physics A, 688 (1-2): 82C-85C (May 2001)6th International Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmos, UNIV AARHUS, AARHUS, DENMARK, JUN 27-JUL 01, 2000.Dipole and electric quadrupole excitations in Ca-40,Ca-48, , , , , and . Phys. Rev. C, (March 2002)Determination of the neutron-capture rate of C-17 for r-process nucleosynthesis, , , , , , , , , and 119 other author(s). Phys. Rev. C, (January 2017)Experimental simulation of a stellar photon bath by bremsstrahlung: the astrophysical gamma-process, , , , , , , , and . Physics Letters B, 488 (2): 127-130 (August 2000)Half-lives of platinum isotopes from photoactivation, , , , , , and . The European Physical Journal A, 7 (1): 45-47 (January 2000)Quasifree (p, 2p) Reactions on Oxygen Isotopes: Observation of Isospin Independence of the Reduced Single-Particle Strength, , , , , , , , , and 92 other author(s). Physical Review Letters, (January 2018)Real photon scattering up to 10 MeV: the improved facility at the Darmstadt electron accelerator S-DALINAC, , , , , , , , and . Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 423 (2-3): 480-488 (March 1999)Photoactivation of Ta-180(m) and s-process nucleosynthesis of nature's rarest naturally occuring isotope, , , , , , , , , and 11 other author(s). Nuclear Physics A, 688 (1-2): 237C-240C (May 2001)6th International Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmos, UNIV AARHUS, AARHUS, DENMARK, JUN 27-JUL 01, 2000.Photon scattering off Cr-52: Two-phonon E1 strength at the N=28 shell closure?, , , , , , , , , and 9 other author(s). Nuclear Physics A, 636 (2): 139-155 (June 1998)