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Evolutionary and embryogenic approaches to autonomic systems., and . VALUETOOLS, page 79. ICST/ACM, (2008)Embryonic Models for Self-healing Distributed Services., , and . BIONETICS, volume 39 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 152-166. Springer, (2009)Networkless networking.. Autonomics, page 10. ICST, (2008)Fault Tolerance of Embryonic Algorithms in Mobile Networks., , , and . ICES, volume 6274 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 49-60. Springer, (2010)Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges, , , and . Ad hoc networks, 10 (7): 1497--1516 (2012)From biology to evolve-able pervasive ICT systems., , and . SMC, page 4075-4080. IEEE, (2007)Securing the smart home: A real case study., , , and . Internet Technol. Lett., (2018)A distributed network monitoring framework for wireless networks., , , , and . Integrated Network Management, page 1208-1215. IEEE, (2011)An experimental evaluation of the scalability of permissioned blockchains., , , , and . FiCloud, page 270-277. IEEE, (2021)Multi-Resolution Data Management for Opportunistic Networking., , , and . MDM, page 102-109. IEEE, (2007)