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Towards a CAPEX-free service delivery platform., , , and . ICIN, page 8-14. IEEE, (2012)Constraint-Based Policy Negotiation and Enforcement for Telco Services., , , and . TASE, page 463-472. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)An Overview of ALCOHOL: an Applicative Logic Concurrent Object-oriented Higher-Order Language., , , and . IFIP Congress (1), volume A-12 of IFIP Transactions, page 142-148. North-Holland, (1992)Some Aspects of the Integration between Logic Programming and Fiunctional Programming., and . AIMSA, page 69-79. North-Holland, (1986)Hybrid composition of telecom and Internet services: The telecom operator perspective., , , and . ICIN, page 155-162. IEEE, (2013)IDEAL & K-LEAF implementation: a progress report., , and . PARLE (1), volume 365 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 413-432. Springer, (1989)Towards Security Analyses of an Identity Federation Protocol for Web Services in Convergent Networks., , and . AICT, page 31. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Towards a dynamic cloud-enabled service eco-system., , , , , and . ICIN, page 259-264. IEEE, (2011)Notes on the Elimination of Conditions., and . CTRS, volume 308 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 91-97. Springer, (1987)A Completeness Result for E-unification Algorithms Based on Conditional Narrowing., and . Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming, volume 306 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 157-167. Springer, (1986)