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A test of dividend irrelevance using volume reactions to a change in dividend policy, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 17 (2): 313--333 (декабря 1986)Testing for negative expected market return premia, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 31 (6): 1755--1770 (июня 2007)Partially anticipated events: A model of stock price reactions with an application to corporate acquisitions, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 14 (2): 237--250 (июня 1985)The information content of discounts and premiums on closed-end fund shares. Journal of Financial Economics, 6 (2-3): 151--186 (00 1978)The collateral value of fine art, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 31 (3): 589--607 (марта 2007)Evidence on the capitalized value of merger activity for acquiring firms, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 11 (1-4): 85--119 (апреля 1983)