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A fast filtering algorithm for image enhancement., , , и . IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 13 (3): 557-564 (1994)ECPUB: An Energy Efficiency Evaluation Metric in Wireless Sensor Network., , , , , и . iThings/GreenCom/CPSCom/SmartData, стр. 1733-1738. IEEE, (2018)A Cultural Computing of the Share of Modernity in World Literary Masterpieces by Bie-Modernism., , , , , и . HCI (25), том 14035 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 603-617. Springer, (2023)TongKey at Entity Track TREC 2011: Related Entity Finding., и . TREC, том 500-296 из NIST Special Publication, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2011)Logical Events Graphs based Emotional Text Generation., , , , и . ICCCM, стр. 54-60. ACM, (2022)Monitoring System of Safe Adult-child Ratio in Childcare Institutions Based on Image Recognition., , , и . MLMI, стр. 8-14. ACM, (2021)LSBE: A Localization Scheme Based on Events for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks., , , , и . ISPA Workshops, том 3759 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 403-411. Springer, (2005)A Trust Management Model for P2P File Sharing System., , , и . MUE, стр. 41-44. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Influence of Bit-Error Rate on the Throughput of STDMA Ad-hoc Network., , , , и . ICDCS Workshops, стр. 81. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Lightweight Anomaly Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , и . PAISI, том 4430 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 105-116. Springer, (2007)