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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Multi-robot nonlinear model predictive formation control: Moving target and target absence., , und . Robotics Auton. Syst., 61 (12): 1502-1515 (2013)A New Cost Function Heuristic Applied to A* Based Path Planning in Static and Dynamic Environments., , und . LARS/SBR, Seite 37-42. IEEE, (2015)Comparison Between Two Recurrent Multitasking Networks for Robot Relocation., und . LARS/SBR/WRE, Seite 210-215. IEEE, (2021)Perception-driven multi-robot formation control., , , , und . ICRA, Seite 1851-1856. IEEE, (2013)Modeling Player Activity in a Physical Interactive Robot Game Scenario., , , und . HAI, Seite 411-414. ACM, (2017)Experimental evaluation of ROS compatible SLAM algorithms for RGB-D sensors., , , und . LARS/SBR, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Embedded Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Micro Aerial Vehicles., und . J. Intell. Robotic Syst., 103 (4): 74 (2021)Activity recognition in a physical interactive robogame., , , und . ICDL-EPIROB, Seite 92-97. IEEE, (2017)Nonlinear Model Predictive Formation Control: An Iterative Weighted Tuning Approach., , , und . Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 80 (3-4): 441-454 (2015)An Analysis of the Numeric Solver Choice for an NMPC Controlled Non-holonomic Robot Formation., , , und . LARS/SBR/WRE, Seite 58-64. IEEE, (2018)