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Front Matter, и . The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall, Second издание, (1988)The UNIX System Interface, и . The C Programming Language, глава 8, Prentice Hall, Second издание, (1988)A proper model for the partitioning of electrical circuits., и . DAC, стр. 57-62. ACM, (1972)Optimal segmentation points for programs.. SOSP, стр. 47-53. ACM, (1969)Programmieren in C, и . Hanser Fachbuch, München, 2nd издание, (01.01.1990)Experience with Tcl/Tk for Scientific and Engineering Visualization.. Tcl/Tk Workshop, USENIX Association, (1995)AMPL: A Mathematical Programming Language, , и . The Scientific Press, San Francisco, CA, (1993)Standard Library, и . The C Programming Language, глава Appendix B, Prentice Hall, Second издание, (1988)The UNIX/TM Programming Environment., и . Softw. Pract. Exp., 9 (1): 1-15 (1979)An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs., и . Bell Syst. Tech. J., 49 (2): 291-307 (1970)