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Time, Ownership and Awareness: The Value of Contextual Locations in the Home., , и . UbiComp, том 3660 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 251-268. Springer, (2005)TeamRooms: Network Places for Collaboration., и . CSCW, стр. 325-333. ACM, (1996)GT/SD: performance and simplicity in a groupware toolkit., , и . EICS, стр. 265-274. ACM, (2009)Simplifying Component Development in an Integrated Groupware Environment., и . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, стр. 65-72. ACM, (1997)Exploring interruption in HRI using wizard of oz., , и . HRI, стр. 125-126. ACM, (2010)Paperbox: a toolkit for exploring tangible interaction on interactive surfaces., , , , , и . Creativity & Cognition, стр. 64-73. ACM, (2013)How people use orientation on tables: comprehension, coordination and communication., , , и . GROUP, стр. 369-378. ACM, (2003)The individual and the group in console gaming., , и . CSCW, стр. 371-380. ACM, (2010)Rapidly Prototyping Single Display Groupware through the SDGToolkit., и . AUIC, том 28 из CRPIT, стр. 101-110. Australian Computer Society, (2004)Rapid Prototyping of Physical User Interfaces.. Graphics Interface, Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, (2002)