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Piecewise-polynomial modeling for analog circuit performance metrics., , и . ECCTD, стр. 237-240. IEEE, (2009)A novel multiplying D/A converter stage with low sensitivity to amplifier gain., , и . ISCAS, стр. 4065-4068. IEEE, (2010)UTBB FDSOI technology flexibility for ultra low power internet-of-things applications., , , , , и . ESSDERC, стр. 164-167. IEEE, (2015)Dynamic Range and Complexity Optimization of Mixed-Signal Machine Learning Systems., , , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2021)Wireless transceivers for gigabit-per-second communications., , и . NEWCAS, стр. 545-548. IEEE, (2012)Novel behavioral DAC modeling technique for WirelessHD system specification., , , , и . ICECS, стр. 543-546. IEEE, (2009)A 1 nJ/b 3.2-to-4.7 GHz UWB 50 Mpulses/s double quadrature receiver for communication and localization., , , , , , , , , и . ESSCIRC, стр. 502-505. IEEE, (2010)Radio Receivers based on Spin-Torque Diodes as Energy Detectors., , , , , , , , , и 5 other автор(ы). NEWCAS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2021)Sensitivity of MC-CDMA Systems to Carrier Phase Noise : a large system analysis., , и . PIMRC, стр. 407-411. IEEE, (2005)A power optimized transconductance amplifier and its application to a 6th order lowpass GmC filter., , , , , , , и . ICECS, стр. 631-634. IEEE, (2009)