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Multiprocessor-based placement by simulated annealing.

, and . DAC, page 567-573. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1986)

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A Pixel-Parallel Virtual-Image Architecture for High Performance and Power Efficient Graph Cuts Inference., and . FPGA, page 120. ACM, (2019)Statistical blockade: a novel method for very fast Monte Carlo simulation of rare circuit events, and its application., and . DATE, page 1379-1384. EDA Consortium, San Jose, CA, USA, (2007)Wire packing: a strong formulation of crosstalk-aware chip-level track/layer assignment with an efficient integer programming solution., and . ISPD, page 61-68. ACM, (2000)Analog circuit synthesis and exploration in OASYS., , and . ICCD, page 44-47. IEEE, (1988)Testability-oriented channel routing., , , , and . VLSI Design, page 208-213. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Mixed signals on mixed-signal: the right next technology., , , , , , and . DAC, page 278-279. ACM, (2003)Error Resilient and Energy Efficient MRF Message-Passing-Based Stereo Matching., , , and . IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 24 (3): 897-908 (2016)Exploiting Correlation Kernels for Efficient Handling of Intra-Die Spatial Correlation, with Application to Statistical Timing., , and . DATE, page 856-861. ACM, (2008)Will Moore's Law rule in the land of analog?, , , , , , and . DAC, page 633. ACM, (2004)Stereophonic spectrogram segmentation using Markov random fields., , , and . MLSP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2012)