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Discovering and Visualizing Hierarchy in Multivariate Data, и . (2014)cite arxiv:1403.4370v4.pdf.Learning Causal Bayesian Network Structures From Experimental Data, и . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103 (482): 778-789 (2008)Model--based analysis of oligonucleotide arrays: Expression index computation and outlier detection, и . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98 (1): 31--36 (2001)Nonparametric hazard estimation with time-varying discrete covariates, и . Journal of Econometrics, 45 (3): 309--330 (1990)Identifiability of isoform deconvolution from junction arrays and RNA-Seq., , , и . Bioinform., 25 (23): 3056-3059 (2009)Dynamic weighting Monte Carlo for constrained floorplan designs in mixed signal application., , , , , и . ASP-DAC, стр. 277-282. ACM, (2000)Confnet: Predict with Confidence., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 2921-2925. IEEE, (2018)Towards Ubiquitous Bio-Information Computing: Data Protocols, Middleware, and Web Services for Heterogeneous Biological Information Integration and Retrieval., , и . BIBE, стр. 57-64. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Simultaneous deep generative modelling and clustering of single-cell genomic data., , , и . Nat. Mach. Intell., 3 (6): 536-544 (2021)TileMap: create chromosomal map of tiling array hybridizations., и . Bioinform., 21 (18): 3629-3636 (2005)