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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Arithmetic Constraints in SAT-based Property Checking., , , und . MBMV, Seite 91-100. Shaker, (2007)Cyber-physical system homeostatic security management., und . Autom. Control. Comput. Sci., 51 (8): 805-816 (2017)The use of an artificial neural network to detect automatically managed accounts in social networks., , und . Autom. Control. Comput. Sci., 51 (8): 874-880 (2017)Solving hard instances in QF-BV combining Boolean reasoning with computer algebra., , , , , , und . Algorithms and Applications for Next Generation SAT Solvers, Volume 09461 von Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, (2009)Estimating the sustainability of cyber-physical systems based on spectral graph theory., , und . BlackSeaCom, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2019)A New Verification Technique for Custom-Designed Components at the Arithmetic Bit Level., , , , , und . FDL (Selected Papers), Volume 36 von Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Seite 257-272. (2008)New solving techniques for property checking of arithmetic data paths (Neue Beweistechniken für die Eignungsprüfung von arithmetischen Datenpfaden).. University of Kaiserslautern, (2011)Detecting Android application malicious behaviors based on the analysis of control flows and data flows., , , und . SIN, Seite 280-283. ACM, (2017)Modeling of Custom-Designed Arithmetic Components for ABL Normalization., , , , , und . MBMV, Seite 51-60. Shaker, (2008)Ensuring the sustainability of cyberphysical systems based on dynamic reconfiguration., , und . ICPS, Seite 785-789. IEEE, (2019)