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Why collaborate? Factors Influencing in Crowdsourcing Ecosystems., , и . HICSS, стр. 375-384. ScholarSpace, (2023)Tailorable Modeller: Establishing Tailorable Information Systems Requirements Through Active User Designs in Hypermedia., и . ECIS, стр. 297-312. (1996)What are the Main Challenges to Online Auction Repurchase behaviour Motivation?, , и . PACIS, стр. 107. (2016)Service System Design (SSD) Innovation through Consumer Participation., , и . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2013)An Exploration of First-Year undergraduates' Preparedness and Experiences in Blended Courses., и . ECIS, (2017)Educational Technology Tools: Longitudinal Views of Students., , и . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2019)Cecil: the first web-based LMS., , и . ASCILITE, стр. 603-611. UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, (2002)Analysing the Relationships between Digital Literacy and Self-Regulated Learning of Undergraduates - A Preliminary Investigation., и . ISD, Association for Information Systems, (2017)Digital Literacy and Self-Regulated Learning: Testing Reciprocal Relationships with Longitudinal Data., и . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2018)Building an Ontology of Learning Analytics., , и . PACIS, стр. 158. (2018)