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Embracing Stochasticity to Enable Neuromorphic Computing at the Edge., , , and . IEEE Des. Test, 38 (6): 28-35 (2021)Integrated Systems in the More-Than-Moore Era: Designing Low-Cost Energy-Efficient Systems Using Heterogeneous Components., , , and . IEEE Des. Test, 33 (3): 56-65 (2016)Ensemble Stack Architecture for Lungs Segmentation from X-ray Images., , , , , and . IDEAL, volume 13756 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 3-11. Springer, (2022)Robust high-performance low-power carry select adder., and . ASP-DAC, page 503-506. ACM, (2003)Implementing a network intrusion detection system using semi-supervised support vector machine and random forest., , , , and . ACM Southeast Conference, page 180-184. ACM, (2021)Nonideal Iris Recognition Using Level Set Approach and Coalitional Game Theory., and . ICVS, volume 5815 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 394-402. Springer, (2009)Quality programmable vector processors for approximate computing., , , , and . MICRO, page 1-12. ACM, (2013)Solving the aircraft routing problem using network flow algorithms., and . ACC, page 3330-3335. IEEE, (2007)Towards ADC-Less Compute-In-Memory Accelerators for Energy Efficient Deep Learning., , and . DATE, page 624-627. IEEE, (2022)A Survey on Extreme Learning Machine and Evolution of Its Variants., , , , , and . RTIP2R (1), volume 1035 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 572-583. Springer, (2018)