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Payment card forensic analysis: From concepts to desktop and mobile analysis tools., , , , , и . Digit. Investig., 11 (3): 143-153 (2014)Going Beyond the Blockchain Hype: In Which Cases are Blockchains Useful for IT Applications?, , и . CSNet, стр. 21-27. IEEE, (2019)Trustworthy Cross-Organizational Collaborations with Hybrid On/Off-Chain Declarative Choreographies., , , , , и . ICSOC, том 13121 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 81-96. Springer, (2021)Welcome to the Jungle: A Reference Model for Blockchain, DLT and Smart-Contracts (Short Paper)., , , и . Tokenomics, том 82 из OASIcs, стр. 13:1-13:5. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2020)Distributed ledger technologies for authentication and access control in networking applications: A comprehensive survey., , , и . Comput. Sci. Rev., (ноября 2023)A Decentralised Videoconferencing Service using Ethereum Smart Contracts., , , и . BRAINS, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2024)Towards trustworthy and privacy-preserving decentralized auctions., , , , и . J. Bank. Financial Technol., 8 (1): 45-63 (апреля 2024)Decentralized Ethereum-Based Solution for Mitigating Oracle Single Point of Failure., и . BRAINS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2023)A Survey on Blockchain-based Identity Management and Decentralized Privacy for Personal Data., , , и . BRAINS, стр. 97-101. IEEE, (2020)Hire me fairly: towards dynamic resource-binding with smart contracts., , , , и . SCC, стр. 407-412. IEEE, (2021)