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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Blockchain as Radical Innovation: A Framework for Engaging with Distributed Ledgers as Incumbent Organization., und . HICSS, Seite 1-10. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2017)Interview with Peter Mertens and Wolfgang König: "From Reasonable Automation to (Sustainable) Autonomous Systems"., , und . Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng., 64 (3): 311-315 (2022)Measuring Client-Vendor Distance in Global Outsourceing Relationships: A Conceptual Model., , und . Wirtschaftsinformatik (1), Volume 246 von, Seite 35-44. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, (2009)Panel 3: Practicing What we Preach? Reflecting on environmentally Sustainable Research Practices of the is Community., , , , , , und . ECIS, (2020)Artificial Intelligence for the Financial Services Industry: What Challenges Organizations to Succeed., , und . HICSS, Seite 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2019)Time for Climate Change: Leadership, IT Climate, and their Impact on Organizational Performance., und . HICSS, Seite 1-10. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2017)DLT-based Regulatory Systems Dynamics., und . HICSS, Seite 3850-3859. ScholarSpace, (2023)Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Design Science Research., , und . HICSS, Seite 1. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2018)Blockchain out of the Box - Where is the Blockchain in Blockchain-as-a-Service?, , und . HICSS, Seite 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2021)Changing Psychological Contracts and their Effect on Control Modes in IT Offshore Outsourcing Projects - A Case from the Financial Services Industry., , und . HICSS, Seite 1-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)