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Exploring Child-Robot Proxemics., , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 257-258. ACM, (2018)Cross-cultural differences for adaptive strategies of robots in public spaces., и . RO-MAN, стр. 573-578. IEEE, (2017)An open teleconference toolkit for robotics., , , и . URAI, стр. 108-113. IEEE, (2013)Moveable Älıpbi: The Montessori Method for Robot-Assisted Alphabet Learning., , , , , и . ICSR (2), том 13818 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 114-123. Springer, (2022)Designing an Introductory HRI Course., , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 1302-1304. ACM, (2024)Language Learning using Caption Generation within Reciprocal Multi-Party Child-Tutor-Tutee Interaction., , , , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 696-700. ACM, (2023)Automatic Engagement Recognition of Children within Robot-Mediated Autism Therapy., , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 471-472. ACM, (2020)BarterCell: An Agent-Based Bartering Service for Users of Pocket Computing Devices., , , , и . HoloMAS, том 8062 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 236-245. Springer, (2013)Investigating the impact of gender development in child-robot interaction., , и . HRI, стр. 284-285. ACM, (2014)A Long-term Study of Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with Severe Autism and ADHD., , , , и . HRI (Companion), стр. 401-402. ACM, (2020)