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Interactive storytelling system using behavior-based non-verbal information: ZENetic computer.

, , and . ACM Multimedia, page 466-467. ACM, (2003)

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Hitch Haiku: An Interactive Supporting System for Composing Haiku Poem., , and . ICEC, volume 5309 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 209-216. Springer, (2008)Storytelling for recreating our selves - Zenetic computer.. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions, volume 156 of IFIP, page 65-70. Kluwer/Springer, (2004)Neuro Baby. ATR Media Integration & Communication Research Laboratories, U of Tokyo, Japan, (1994)Projection Mapping Celebrating RIMPA 400th Anniversary., , , and . Culture Computing, page 18-24. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Learning the Cultural Consistent Facial Aesthetics by Convolutional Neural Network., , , , and . Culture Computing, page 97-103. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Inter communication theater-towards the realization of interactive movies., and . MMSP, page 519-524. IEEE, (1997)Interactive Rakuchu Rakugai-zu (views in and around Kyoto)., , , , , , , , , and . Entertain. Comput., (2021)Seigow Matsuoka and Naoko Tosa., and . SIGGRAPH Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, page 154-155. ACM, (2005)Interactive poem.. SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 300. ACM, (1998)Learning of Art Style Using AI and Its Evaluation Based on Psychological Experiments., , , , and . ICEC, volume 12523 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 308-316. Springer, (2020)