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Applying Software Defined Methodologies to Software Computing., , , и . TSA, стр. 29-35. IEEE, (2016)A Reference Architecture for High-Availability Automatic Failover between PaaS Cloud Providers., , и . TSA, стр. 14-21. IEEE, (2014)Analysis of Fisherman Exploitation in Taiwan Distant Water Fishing., , , и . IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., 42 (3): 88-97 (сентября 2023)SysML-Based Requirement Management to Improve Software Development., , , , и . Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 26 (3): 491-512 (2016)Exploration of advanced computer technology to address analytical and noise improvement issues in machine learning., , , , , и . J. Syst. Softw., (ноября 2023)The IoT Service Agent Model based on Federated Learning to Improve Service Quality., , и . QRS Companion, стр. 718-722. IEEE, (2022)Loop Destroying Algorithm for Generating Creative Solutions Applying in Health Care Area., , и . QRS Companion, стр. 622-628. IEEE, (2020)Public Bicycle Flow Forecasting using Spatial and Temporal Graph Neural Network., , и . COMPSAC, стр. 490-499. IEEE, (2023)A Portable Interceptor Mechanism on SOAP for Continuous Audit., , , , и . APSEC, стр. 95-104. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Analyzing and Researching the Intermediate Layer of Alliance Medical Data Combined with Edge Computing., , , , и . SSE, стр. 285-290. IEEE, (2023)