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A Relational Approach to Designing Social Technologies that Foster Use of the Kuku Yalanji Language.

, , , , and . OZCHI, page 161-172. ACM, (2019)

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Diversity and coherence in a hackerspace for people from a low socioeconomic community., , and . OZCHI, page 238-247. ACM, (2017)Diagramming Working Field Theories for Design in the HCI Classroom., , , , and . CHI, page 57:1-57:14. ACM, (2021)Indigenous HCl: Workshop at OzCHI 2019, Perth., , , , , and . OZCHI, page 17-19. ACM, (2019)Crocodile Language Friend: Tangibles to Foster Children's Language Use., , , , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1-14. ACM, (2020)Using self-reported experiences to explore the issues of women in crisis situations., , and . OZCHI, page 483-488. ACM, (2016)Beyond Independence: Enabling Richer Participation through Relational Technologies., , , , , and . OZCHI, page 149-160. ACM, (2019)Teaching & Learning Positionality in HCI education: reflecting on our identities as educators and facilitating the discussion in the classroom., , , and . EduCHI, page 1-4. ACM, (2023)Learning Together: Doctoral Colloquium Editorial 2022., , and . PDC (2), page 327-331. ACM, (2022)Tangible 'Design Non-Proposals' for Relationship Building in Community-Based Co-Design Projects., , , and . PDC (1), page 63-74. ACM, (2022)Domain Exploration of ICT Use in Consumer-to-Producer Feedback Loops within the Fair Trade System., , and . OZCHI, page 231-239. ACM, (2015)