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A 4-GHz Sub-harmonically Injection-Locked Phase-Locked Loop with Self-Calibrated Injection Timing and Pulsewidth., , , , and . A-SSCC, page 83-86. IEEE, (2019)A 100×80 CMOS Flash LiDAR Sensor with 0.0011mm2 In-Pixel Histogramming TDC Based on Analog Counter and Self-Calibrated Single-Slope ADC., , , , , , and . VLSI Technology and Circuits, page 82-83. IEEE, (2022)6.7 A 160×120 Flash LiDAR Sensor with Fully Analog-Assisted In- Pixel Histogramming TDC Based on Self-Referenced SAR ADC., , , , and . ISSCC, page 112-114. IEEE, (2024)7.2 A 48 ×4013.5 mm Depth Resolution Flash LiDAR Sensor with In-Pixel Zoom Histogramming Time-to-Digital Converter., , , , and . ISSCC, page 108-110. IEEE, (2021)A study on accelerated built-in self test of multi-Gb/s high speed interfaces., , , and . NESEA, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Direct TOF Scanning LiDAR Sensor With Two-Step Multievent Histogramming TDC and Embedded Interference Filter., , , , , , and . IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 56 (4): 1022-1035 (2021)A Digital Dynamic Vision Sensor with SPAD Pixels and Multi-Event Generation for Motion/Vibration-Adaptive Detection., , , , , , and . VLSI Technology and Circuits, page 1-2. IEEE, (2024)Application of 4k-order Hadamard matrices to simultaneous driving capacitive touch systems., , , , and . ICCE, page 564-565. IEEE, (2015)A low-power dual-PFD phase-rotating PLL with a PFD controller for 5Gb/s serial links., , , , and . ISCAS, page 2159-2162. IEEE, (2012)0.37mW/Gb/s low power SLVS transmitter for battery powered applications., , , , , , and . ISCAS, page 1955-1958. IEEE, (2012)