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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Maintenance Architecture and Its LSI Implementation of a Dataflow Computer with a Large Number of Processors., , , und . ICPP, Seite 584-591. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1986)Keeping old computers alive for deeper understanding of computer architecture., und . WCAE, Seite 5:1-5:7. ACM, (2015)BJR-Tree: Fast Skyline Computation Algorithm for Serendipitous Searching Problems., , , und . DSAA, Seite 272-282. IEEE, (2017)Resource Management Methods for General Purpose Massively Parallel OS SSS-Core., , und . ISHPC, Volume 1336 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 255-266. Springer, (1997)Implementing MPI with the Memory-Based Communication Facilities on the SSS-CORE Operating System., , und . PVM/MPI, Volume 1497 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 223-230. Springer, (1998)An Architectural Disgn of a Highly Parallel Dataflow Machine., , , und . IFIP Congress, Seite 1155-1160. North-Holland/IFIP, (1989)Evaluation of a Prototype Data Flow Processor of the SIGMA-1 for Scientific Computations., , , und . ISCA, Seite 226-234. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)Efficient vector processing on dataflow supercomputer SIGMA-1., , und . SC, Seite 374-381. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)On the Schedulability Conditions on Partial Time Slots ., , und . RTCSA, Seite 166-173. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Performance optimization of TCP/IP over 10 gigabit ethernet by precise instrumentation., , , , , und . SC, Seite 11. IEEE/ACM, (2008)