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Latency-Aware Placement of Software Defined Network Controllers., , and . LANOMS, IFIP, (2019)Semi-automatic synchronization of sensory effects in mulsemedia authoring tools., , , and . WebMedia, page 201-208. ACM, (2019)Convolutional Neural Network for Elderly Wandering Prediction in Indoor Scenarios., , and . CoRR, (2020)Modeling sensory effects as first-class entities in multimedia applications., , , , , , and . MMSys, page 225-236. ACM, (2018)Using Abstract Anchors for Automatic Authoring of Sensory Effects Based on Ambient Sound Recognition., and . WebMedia, page 437-440. ACM, (2017)Using Abstract Anchors to Aid The Development of Multimedia Applications With Sensory Effects., and . DocEng, page 211-218. ACM, (2017)Convolutional Neural Network for Elderly Wandering Prediction in Indoor Scenarios., , and . HEALTHINF, page 253-260. SCITEPRESS, (2021)A Bimodal Learning Approach to Assist Multi-sensory Effects Synchronization., , and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Sensory Effect Extraction for 360° Media Content., , and . WebMedia, page 85-88. ACM, (2021)Semi-automatic mulsemedia authoring analysis from the user's perspective., , , , and . MMSys, page 249-256. ACM, (2023)