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Un mod�le pour am�liorer l�interop�rabilit� des donn�es p�dagogiques apprenant, и . 3i�me conf�rence en Environnement Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain - EIAH 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, (2007)URL: A visual authoring tool in the cMOOC context., , , и . Educ. Inf. Technol., 24 (2): 1185-1209 (2019)Design and Operationalization of Connectivist Activities: An Approach Through Business Process Management., , и . EC-TEL, том 11722 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 251-265. Springer, (2019)A Model to Assist Pedagogical Scenario Building Process in cMOOCs., , , и . ICALT, стр. 5-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)ADDEGames: An Assistance Design Tool for Digital Epistemic Games., , , и . ICALT, стр. 103-107. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Towards Design and Operationalization of Pedagogical Situations in the VRLEs., , , и . ICALT, стр. 400-402. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Re-engineering of the Apprenticeship Electronic Booklet: Adaptation to New Users Requirements., , и . ICALT, стр. 511-515. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)From Learner Information Packages to Student Models: Which Continuum?., и . Intelligent Tutoring Systems, том 4053 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 288-297. Springer, (2006)Towards a Virtual Reality Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation., и . ICALT, стр. 232-236. IEEE, (2024)Learning Scenarios' Operationalization - A Process based on Ontology and Patterns., , , и . CSEDU (2), стр. 139-147. SciTePress, (2015)