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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Distributed Malware Detection System Based on Decentralized Architecture in Local Area Networks., , und . CSIT, Volume 871 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 582-598. Springer, (2018)Approach for the unknown metamorphic virus detection., , , und . IDAACS, Seite 71-76. IEEE, (2017)Providing the Resilience and Survivability of Specialized Information Technology Across Corporate Computer Networks., , , , und . IntelITSIS, Volume 2623 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 219-238., (2020)Modeling the assessment of credit risk losses in banking., , , , , und . M3E2-MLPEED, Volume 2713 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 187-203., (2020)Social Engineering Attacks Detection Approach., , , , , und . DESSERT, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2023)The Technique for Metamorphic Viruses' Detection Based on Its Obfuscation Features Analysis., , , und . ICTERI Workshops, Volume 2104 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 680-687., (2018)Anti-evasion Technique for the Botnets Detection Based on the Passive DNS Monitoring and Active DNS Probing., , , , und . CN, Volume 608 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 83-95. Springer, (2016)Intelligent Integrated System for Fruit Detection Using Multi-UAV Imaging and Deep Learning., , , , und . Sensors, 24 (6): 1913 (März 2024)Adaptive Information Technology of the Trojan' Detection in Computer Systems., und . Int. J. Comput., 10 (3): 259-269 (2011)An Improved Fractional Model of an Electrochemical Capacitor with Accounting of Relaxation Phenomena., , , , und . IDAACS, Seite 237-243. IEEE, (2023)