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Other publications of authors with the same name

Enactive Steering of an Experiential Model of the Atmosphere., , , , and . HCI (9), volume 10909 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 126-144. Springer, (2018)Composing Ecosystemically in Responsive Environments with Gestural Media, Objects and Textures., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). TEI, page 707-709. ACM, (2019)Tableware: Social Coordination Through Computationally Augmented Everyday Objects Using Auditory Feedback., , , and . HCI (47), volume 12429 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 332-349. Springer, (2020)Rich State Transitions in a Media Choreography Framework Using an Idealized Model of Cloud Dynamics., , , and . ACM Multimedia (Thematic Workshops), page 477-484. ACM, (2017)Mixed-reality learning in the art museum context., , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 965-968. ACM, (2008)Combining semantic, social, and acoustic similarity for retrieval of environmental sounds., , , and . ICASSP, page 2402-2405. IEEE, (2010)Robust Multi-Features Segmentation and Indexing for Natural Sound Environments., , , , , and . CBMI, page 69-76. IEEE, (2007)A Shared Gesture and Positioning System for Smart Environments., , and . MOCO, page 23:1-23:8. ACM, (2019)Heat and Noise (Renao): Media Ecologies and Urban Futures., , , , , and . MOCO, page 29:1-29:6. ACM, (2019)Shortest Path Techniques for Annotation and Retrieval of Environmental Sounds., , and . ISMIR, page 541-546. FEUP Edições, (2012)