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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Automated Segmentation of the Cerebellar Lobules Using Boundary Specific Classification and Evolution., , , und . IPMI, Volume 7917 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 62-73. Springer, (2013)Partial Volume Estimation and the Fuzzy C-means Algorithm., und . ICIP (3), Seite 819-822. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)On the Design of the Bandpass Filters in Harmonic Phase MRI., und . ICIP, Seite 625-628. IEEE, (2000)Mapping Techniques for Aligning Sulci across Multiple Brains., , und . MICCAI (2), Volume 2879 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 862-869. Springer, (2003)Topology preserving brain tissue segmentation using graph cuts., , , und . MMBIA, Seite 185-190. IEEE, (2012)An adaptive fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation in the presence of intensity inhomogeneities., und . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 20 (1): 57-68 (1999)Cortical reconstruction using implicit surface evolution: Accuracy and precision analysis., , , , , und . NeuroImage, 29 (3): 838-852 (2006)Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow., und . IEEE Trans. Image Process., 7 (3): 359-369 (1998)The kriging update model and recursive space-time function estimation., und . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 47 (11): 2942-2952 (1999)3-D Measurements of Acceleration-Induced Brain Deformation via Harmonic Phase Analysis and Finite-Element Models., , , , , , , und . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 66 (5): 1456-1467 (2019)