Author of the publication

The Digital Divide at Work and Home: The Discourse about Power and Underrepresented Groups in the Information Society.

, and . Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology, volume 238 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 273-291. Kluwer, (2002)

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Getting work done: evaluating the potential of crowdsourcing as a model for business process outsourcing service delivery., and . CPR, page 135-140. ACM, (2013)An Exploratory Study of Identity and IT Career Choice for Military Service Members and Veterans with Disabilities., , , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2015)Retaining women in the U.S. IT workforce: theorizing the influence of organizational factors., , and . Eur. J. Inf. Syst., 18 (5): 476-497 (2009)Panel - Looking Back at 18 Years of Best Papers at SIGMIS CPR: The Authors Speak., , , , , and . SIGMIS-CPR, page 3-5. ACM, (2018)Qualitative Methods in IS Research.. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IV), Idea Group, (2005)Do This, Not That: How Teens Make Decisions About Contradictory Health Information on Social Media., and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2016)Cross-cultural influences on women in the IT workforce., , and . CPR, page 12-19. ACM, (2006)A regional IT occupational partnership for economic development., , and . CPR, page 112-120. ACM, (2007)Organizational uses of the crowd: developing a framework for the study of crowdsourcing., , and . CPR, page 155-158. ACM, (2012)Understanding Computer-Mediated Discussions: Positivist and Interpretive Analyses of Group Support System Use, and . MIS Quarterly, 24 (1): 43--79 (2000)