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Wireless ACK Collisions Not Considered Harmful., , , and . HotNets, page 19-24. ACM SIGCOMM, (2008)Resource Allocation in Multi-armed Bandit Exploration: Overcoming Nonlinear Scaling with Adaptive Parallelism., , , , , and . CoRR, (2020)Heterogeneity and load balance in distributed hash tables., and . INFOCOM, page 596-606. IEEE, (2005)Load balancing in dynamic structured peer-to-peer systems., , , , and . Perform. Evaluation, 63 (3): 217-240 (2006)Revitalizing the public internet by making it extensible., , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). Comput. Commun. Rev., 51 (2): 18-24 (2021)CloudPolice: taking access control out of the network., , , , and . HotNets, page 7. ACM, (2010)A cost comparison of datacenter network architectures., , , , and . CoNEXT, page 16. ACM, (2010)Macroscope: end-point approach to networked application dependency discovery., , , , and . CoNEXT, page 229-240. ACM, (2009)FairCloud: sharing the network in cloud computing., , , and . HotNets, page 22. ACM, (2011)ODR: output-deterministic replay for multicore debugging., and . SOSP, page 193-206. ACM, (2009)